There are so many different compensation plans to choose from that it is mind
boggling. Many people don't even join a program for the compensation plan,
they pick it from the website display, appearance, and promise of huge income.
They often don't even take the time to view the compensation plan. That is crazy!
Why would you spend money to make money, and you don't even know for sure
how that will happen. By all means, study , and I mean Study the plan.
There are a number of really good plans out there but getting to the fruition of
any plan can be quite a challenge. Take 2 or 3 of your favorite programs and
review their plans...pick 1 or 2 that you can put your whole self into. I mean,
with God's help you can see them through to the end. The place where you are
actually making progress with them. This will take time, at least a year or more.
When you are going to spend that much time, and the money that goes with it,
you better know that your plan is a great one.
I stumbled upon a compensation plan that I think is brilliant. It is overlooked
daily by people who just don't take the time to read the plan. It is the plan of the
So Many Hits website. Once you get your first 2 qualifiers, it is wide open for
you to bring in as many as you can, while your qualifiers are bringing you traffic
and sales as well. It is a rock solid plan. For something different, and very much
a prospect for bringing you prosperity you may want to take a look at it.
Have Fun Today and Be Blessed,
Sierra Sage
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