Grace Affiliate

The title of my blog is Grace Affiliate because although I am an
affiliate marketer, my first affiliation is with the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is my reason for living, my reason for all that I do. May my
actions and conduct always bring Him praise and glory.

I enjoy internet marketing and am going to be sharing some of
the ups and downs that I have learned over the last 15 years of
trial and error...mostly error.  It is amazing what you can learn
from mistakes.  Perhaps you can be spared some of the mistakes
that I made by reading my blog and learning from someone else's
trials and error.  It will give me great pleasure to help you.

If you don't know Jesus as your savior please feel free to email me
and I would love to share Him with you.  He is here for all of us.
Until next time, be safe and be blessed.

Sierra Sage   
