The Worshiping Marketer

Do you worship your business and put it before God?  We are all creatures
of habit, and if we spend most of our time trying to make our business work,
it can sometimes seem like our business is an idol to us.  We want it work
for us so bad that we put it above all else.  This should not be the case in the
life of a born again christian.  We should always put God first in our life.

This doesn't mean we should not be persistent in our business, just the
opposite.  We should dedicate our business, our work, and our very lives
to the Lord.  Give Him first place in our heart and as we do our work we are
doing it as unto Him.  Let him determine how to run your business, when
to work and when to rest, and when to pray.  When you do this you will be
surprised how well your life will flow, and how productive your business
will be.  Let Him have full control.  Let the concern go, and give it all to Him.

Hope this finds you blessed and well this Sunday morning.  God be with you!

Sierra Sage       We Share Abundance
