There are so many ways now days to make money online, and you can go crazy
trying to figure out what you want to do. Many people try one thing after another
and never stick with something long enough to see the fruition of their efforts.
I stumbled upon a program that is actually a version of a link tracker, but it has
a most lucrative compensation plan.
You have to pass up your first 2 referrals to your sponsor as qualifiers. Then all
referrals come to you. This is quite brilliant because it makes sure that you want
to stick with the program. By the time you get your 2 qualifiers, and then start
your own power lines, you are off to a good start. I got my first 3, my 2 qualifiers
and then my own referral, within the first week of advertising. You can do the same
if you apply yourself and get some ads out there. Try it and see!
To Your Success,
Sierra Sage
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